Rosia Montana (Romania) – under SIEGE from a Canadian mining company – UNCENSORED

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  1. Anna Geo-Georgieva says:

    See my article in GIRO DI VITE – Italy about the documentary of German director Fabian Daub who analyze the problem http://www.Roia-Montana-un-villaggio-sull.html

  2. Anna Geo-Georgieva says:

    Sorry the link is wrong – have to be

  3. Guys, you are totally MISINFORMED—> the benefits would be about 1.9 bn not 19 bn dollars 😀
    That means that the benefits for the Romanian economy would be INSIGNIFIANT.
    Then, the jobs would be about 800, and the deposit would be terminated in 10-16 years……so we will get almost 2 bn in 16 years ?!
    Then you have NOT MENTIONED ANYTHING about HOW the gold would be extracted !
    It would be used CYANIDE. As a result a HUGE lake of cyanide would cover a large pats of the area !
    Nobody would be able to live in the town of Rosia Montana. Any accident would poison ALL the west Transylvania and east Hungary.
    If you don’t believe be then DRINK YOURSELF a teaspoon of cyanide. Cheers !!!

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