Tagged: waste

G20 (black) BLOC PARTY

Well here we go…… Geetwenty fever is well and truly setting in… more and more police are visible around Brisbane city and South Brisbane where the G20 super summer summit will take place. When...


The show got hijacked by Nick One from the Hostile Takeover crew….. and he played a mix of the most gangster anarchy flavoured hip hop available for you to smash the state with. LISTEN...


I put together a show of just music and my friend helped me to burn it onto cds to give out to people. The music is independent, politically hard hitting  and from all over...

Coal-onial Collapse

This program features audio which was recorded at an event by the name of Coal-onial Collapse.  Held shortly before Australia Day the themes of the event were anarchism, anti-imperialism and the environmental cost of...

The Light Bulb Conspiracy

The light bulb in my study blew and then the light bulb in my bedroom which I guess means I’ll use slightly less electricity but also got me thinking about this documentary I watched...

Queensland Can Do Uranium mining

Despite declaring no such plans before the election the Campbell Newman lead Queensland Government announced today that it will lift the ban on uranium mining in the state. Mr Newman says the Federal Governments...